Monday, January 28, 2008

Think twice before you touch my girl

So, I have a friend. My friend has a relatively new boyfriend. My friend and her boyfriend are having issues of various sorts.

The boyfriend, in a bid to do... something... decided that he would email (well, MySpace message) a few of her closest friends and ask for advice on how to "help her through this difficult time" or somesuch. I don't know the exact wording because I didn't actually get one of these messages.

Why? Because, apparently, he considers me her "go get 'em girl" who would probably tell him to go fuck himself if I thought that they were fighting. Now, keep in mind that he did message her extremely loyal very best friend who has recently been to a mental hospital (not a joke, I'm serious) and her scary bald-guy friend that her ex-husband felt was some sort of big threat. But not me.

Which means I'm more intimidating.

... SWEET! I've always wanted to be intimidating! Gr. GRRR I SAY! Fear me!

Of course, he's right. I would have been tempted to say "well, you know, it'd probably help her a lot if you'd stop being a passive-aggressive asshole. But that's just a theory." I wouldn't have actually said it. But I'd have considered it.

But yes, I'm enjoying being intimidating. GR.


Unknown said...

Rock on! I've always wanted to be intimidating, too.

Do I know this couple, because it sounds like someone I know... :)

Random said...

you do, sort of, now that i think on it. heh.