Thursday, January 24, 2008


So, check it out... here I am again at ye olde Blogger, where all of this started in the first place. Weird. It actually looks kind of slick now, some 5 years later.

I guess that's what selling out to Google will do for you. (I kid, I kid! Mostly.)

Basically, I'm starting this with the intention of reposting stuff that I'm already posting elsewhere so that my favorite blogger can read it from work. Anyone who stumbles by is welcome to read along as well, of course. And talk to me! I miss adult interaction. ;)

Why not just use the site I actually own for this? Well, see, everyone kind of knows about that one and I'm perfectly happy being sort of e-anonymous. You'd be amazed at the sort of people who STILL hit that site despite it being down for like 2 years. Besides, I might have some sort of uses for it later that don't involve a blog. I'm still deciding.

What can you expect to find here? I promise a lot of random, an occasional deep thought, and very few memes or quiz results.

Who knows where this is going to go. Maybe I'll end up posting more here than anywhere else. Let's jump in and see.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAAAAAYYYY!!! I'm so happy to see you! Tickled pink, actually! :)